Wako: IEBC servers should be opened automatically, accessible to everyone

  • last year
Former Attorney General Amos Wako wants IEBC election servers to be made accessible to all Kenyans and everyone as soon as the final declaration of presidential results is made. https://bit.ly/46xRTAl
00:00 The issue of whether or not the server should be opened has engaged the public debate for some time now.
00:08 The more debate on this matter goes on, the more suspicions are created or raised that where there is no smoke, there must be some fire.
00:27 This has left a doubt or a lingering thought in the minds of people that it may not be that the figures in the portal are different from the figures in the server.
00:45 That it may not be, but it could be so. And this may repeat itself in the next election.
00:56 If the same is not cleared, if these doubts are not cleared, it could erode confidence in future elections and reduce the figure of people participating in such elections.
01:12 I am therefore recommending and proposing that a law should be enacted to make servers automatically open and accessible to anyone as soon as the presidential elections are declared.
01:33 In other words, as soon as the presidential elections are declared, and that's normally the last to be declared.
01:39 The server should be open and accessible to whoever wants to access it.
01:51 Rather than these arguments we have been having in 2013, 2017, with the court, "Go and open the server", or "We cannot open it because some foreign company has some rights, I don't know, intellectual rights over it, we can't just interfere."
02:10 We should be very clear to whoever comes to assist us that the servers will be open. And we can only do that if we make it a law that the server will be open as soon as the results are declared.
02:25 And it will be accessible to every person, and even those who want to file petitions now. They can use it. The information there to file their petitions.
02:37 Thank you.
02:39 [End of Audio]
