Heat to build up and down the West Coast

  • last year
A warming offshore flow will make it feel like a second summer across the western U.S. late this week.
00:00 Alright, we have a big warm up coming across the Midwest and the North Central United States
00:05 over the next couple of days.
00:06 And by the way, get ready for a change in the other direction late next week as we're
00:12 going to be watching a series of cold fronts come across the plains.
00:15 And a week from today we could be talking about some snowflakes falling.
00:19 That's right, snow across the upper Midwest.
00:21 But until we get to that, we're going to be talking about the warmth.
00:24 Now, we still have our upper level O.
00:25 Here it is, southwestern lower Michigan.
00:28 That is moving to the east.
00:29 Notice what's going on here behind that upper low.
00:32 A lot of dry air denoted by the yellow shading on the water vapor loop.
00:35 Minneapolis, Des Moines.
00:36 And then we have a frontal boundary back across the Dakotas.
00:40 And out ahead of that front, what's going on?
00:42 A lot of southwesterly winds here.
00:45 Warm dry air in the plains states.
00:48 That's going to start coming east.
00:49 Now, as we head toward the weekend, that upper low moves across Pennsylvania as we get in
00:54 toward Friday.
00:55 Then off the east coast Saturday, high pressure builds in.
00:57 And on the western side of this area of high pressure, what you're going to see is a southerly
01:02 flow.
01:03 And that southerly flow starts bringing in the warmer air.
01:05 Look at the change that you're going to see in cities like Chicago and Green Bay, where
01:09 we're going from the lower 70s, even upper 60s today, into the middle 80s over the weekend.
01:14 St. Louis, you're going to be near 90 degrees beginning tomorrow and lasting right through
01:19 the weekend.
01:20 And we're going to continue to see all of this warmth across the upper Midwest as we
01:25 head into next week as an area of high pressure aloft then builds in the central plains.
01:29 And that area in orange, Omaha, Duluth, Fargo, we're going to be looking at temperatures
01:34 15 to 22 degrees above normal.
01:36 And once you get that high, relative to the historical averages for the high temperatures,
01:41 you're talking records.
01:43 Look at the warmth we're going to see.
01:44 I'm going to take you to Minneapolis.
01:45 And remember, we're in early October by the time we get into next week.
01:50 Temperatures well in the 80s.
01:51 Again, though, here's the big change coming as we get into Wednesday, Thursday.
01:56 And I think there's even a bigger press of colder air than this late weekend over the
02:00 upcoming weekend.
02:01 But until then, high temperatures more reminiscent of mid-August.
