Why Jefferson And Chase Are Top Choices In Fantasy Football

  • last year
00:00 Mhm. Some people still li
00:04 I take Jefferson, I take
00:06 me and he's never finish
00:08 wide receiver seven. He h
00:11 season, 1600 and 2021 1800
00:15 he was the wide receiver
00:18 but he also saw 184 targe
00:21 George. I mean, 184 targe
00:24 unlikely this season than
00:28 I don't know how unlikely
00:30 you a slight reduction in
00:33 You know, maybe you only
00:35 but we we know the other
00:37 right? They throw the ball
00:39 They don't have Dalvin Co
00:41 it's Alexander Madison an
00:42 wrong. I like Madison, so
00:45 here. I actually wonder b
00:47 that second team we're he
00:48 Taylor that made an offer
00:51 out there. We don't know
00:52 is. We know Miami did it.
00:54 team. I want to know. I w
00:56 by the way. Because I thin
00:58 going to cook here. They'r
00:59 the ball a lot. I gotta t
01:02 to a sneaky player for uh
01:06 car clubs is like 35 to 1
01:08 bring that up because the
01:10 football a lot. They don'
01:12 that even isn't all that
01:14 than last year. But I ain
01:16 So yes, I love JJ here. T
01:19 I've been playing fantasy
01:20 late eighties. I finally
01:24 this year. First time. No
01:26 will be the first time wh
01:29 not taking a running back
01:31 leagues in round one. It
01:34 running back, taking that
01:36 This year I would take th
01:38 chase, uh, cup Tommy Kil
01:42 the league has changed. T
01:45 Mhm. Mhm. Mhm. Mhm. Yeah.
