Election Commission Aam Intikhabaat Kab Krarha Hai? Chief Justice

  • last year
Election Commission Aam Intikhabaat Kab Krarha Hai? Chief Justice
00:00 When is the Election Commission going to hold the general election?
00:03 On the Chief Justice's inquiry, the DG Law Election Commission raised its shoulders.
00:08 Chief Justice Umarata Bandyal smiled and remarked that the date of the elections has not been decided yet.
00:14 The Election Commission should resolve all the issues before the elections.
00:17 The Supreme Court sent the case back to the Election Commission on the request of the people of Sindh.
00:23 The Chief Justice said that the issue of the people of Sindh has been resolved several times.
00:27 The Election Commission should resolve the issues in a transparent manner.
00:31 There is a lot of sensitivity on the people of Sindh.
00:34 Sindh is often complained that the elections have not been resolved.
00:37 The written order states that the Election Commission is being given a chance to resolve the issues.
00:43 In the second case, the Election Commission should fight the case in the Supreme Court.
