MLB 8/11 Preview: There Is Some Serious Value Here!

  • last year
00:00 The Braves each and every night have the potential to break out in a big way
00:03 I know the Mets took two or three from the Cubs, but give me the over nine and a half
00:07 I'm going contrarian and I would lay the run and a half with the Braves in this matchup
00:12 One thing I've learned the hard way
00:15 Is that you cannot bet against this Atlanta Braves team? You're gonna lose your money
00:21 It's simple every time like so I bet on a week ago Friday. They were playing at Wrigley Field at at
00:29 against Jimi Hendrix and the Cubs right and
00:32 I mean they lit up
00:35 Hendrix for seven runs in the fourth inning the game was over they won eight nothing
00:40 You bet against this team you will lose your money. I mean nine out of ten times they just
00:46 Don't lose, you know in my world. It's like they don't lose bets
00:51 They might lose ball games, but it's rare that I see him
00:57 Like I can't beat him every time I bet against him. I lose money. I've learned a hard way
01:03 I refuse like the Pirates series
01:05 I wouldn't even touch it Joe because I don't trust the Pittsburgh Pirates against the Atlanta Braves
01:11 Meanwhile, they split the four games and played pretty well against them because I think Atlanta took it off
01:18 Yeah, I'm with you again. They're not playing with the same type of intensity prior to the all-star break
01:26 They coasted right now. I expect them to pick it up maybe late August into September getting ready for a playoff run
01:33 So I'm with you
01:34 But they'll beat up on the Mets the one team that they enjoy beating up on happens to be the New York Mets
01:39 So Randy Vasquez and the Yankees we welcome our radio affiliates to coast to coast on a Friday. Good to have you with us
01:47 I'm with Joe Lisi today's filling for Carver highs at the Buttercup open in Maine
01:53 The lobster tournament before his cousin's wedding tomorrow Carver
01:57 Hi has been on the golf course all day and at this hour. Let me check my
02:01 Phone watch here. It says yeah, he's drunk
02:05 I'm getting the levels are he's blowing up a 2-1 right now in the Pharrell breathalyzer
02:12 It's unbelievable. Don't talk about the breathalyzer on the show. They're telling me in my ear move on. Okay, that's usually my cue
02:20 Vasquez against Lizardo and the Marlins I talked about it with the mayor of Miami Joe Ranieri. Here's the odds
02:26 It opened at Yankees plus a buck 15 now
02:29 You can get them at plus 1 21 a lot of people are betting on in Miami's minus about
02:33 42 to lay the run-and-a-half you'd get a buck 45 the totals eight and a half. I like the Marlins
02:39 I'm with you. I've taken them on the on the money line and I'm taking the over eight and a half
02:45 I think they could break out against the Yankees
