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CGS-CIMB thinks Sime Prop has industrial sized prospects
00:00 We kick the week off with Saimdabi Prop where CGS CIMB recently hosted a luncheon for management
00:06 and walked away assured of its prospects.
00:08 It already had an ad call on the property developer but upped its target price from
00:12 73 cent to 87 cent, which implies a possible 45% upside.
00:17 CGS CIMB recently hosted Saimdabi Prop Group MD Datuk Azmir Marikan where he reaffirmed
00:22 that demand for industrial products remains strong, driven by warehousing, data centres
00:27 and manufacturing-related businesses.
00:30 For FY23, management has guided the launch of up to 795 million of industrial products.
00:36 With its around 12,000 acres of gross land bank, CGS CIMB believes Saimdabi Prop has
00:41 an edge over its peers in riding the buoyant demand for industrial products.
00:46 Demand for Saimdabi Prop's residential landed products also remains strong, the company
00:49 said, with the average take-up rate of 80% as of end-March 2023.
00:54 Management has guided for more high-rise residential launches in FY23, given the good response
00:59 to its first high-rise residential launch in FY23, Sarasi Residences.
01:05 Given its affordable price point from 250,000 per unit, we believe demand momentum will
01:10 remain strong for its subsequent launches.
01:12 Going by Bloomberg's latest, meaning we are taking updates all the way back to July, analysts
01:17 are overwhelmingly positive on Saimdabi Prop with all buys, 7 to be exact, and an average
01:22 target price of 69 cent, which is just 9 cent more than its last close.
01:26 Thanks for watching.
