Calls for nationally consistent container deposit scheme

  • last year
There are calls for a national approach to container deposit schemes, with the recycling initiatives gaining momentum around Australia. But the question of which containers should be included remains a sticking point.


00:00 These empty containers are worth 10 cents a pop to anyone who returns them.
00:08 It's a reward scheme designed to keep the circular economy turning.
00:12 It's a great model for capturing valuable materials and giving them a second life and
00:17 keeping them out of the environment as lit up.
00:19 So it keeps the streets clean.
00:20 If a can hits the side of the road it's picked up pretty quickly in South Australia.
00:24 Since South Australia introduced its container deposit scheme in the late 70s, the rest of
00:29 the country has come on board, with Victoria and Tasmania becoming the last to launch their
00:34 programs this year.
00:36 But each scheme has its own legislation and rules.
00:40 Queensland will become the first to include glass wine and spirit bottles from November.
00:46 That's not something the wine industry wants, saying the compliance costs and labelling
00:50 requirements are too onerous.
00:53 We're not convinced at all that it's going to increase the rates of glass recycling for
00:57 our wine bottles, which is something we really want to see.
01:00 And we're also really concerned about the costs, which we think are going to be around
01:04 $100 million a year for our industry.
01:06 Different schemes also mean multiple registrations and red tape for manufacturers.
01:12 Different systems in different jurisdictions will be enormously messy and complex and really,
01:17 really costly.
01:18 That's a nightmare for Australian businesses.
01:21 One thing everyone can agree on is that a nationally consistent approach is needed.
01:26 State and territory environment ministers have agreed to harmonise their container deposit
01:31 schemes by the end of 2025.
01:34 But just how that will work and which containers will be included is still up for debate.
01:40 We know putting a price on waste means that less of it ends up as litter in the environment
01:45 and less of it ends up in landfill.
01:47 It actually works, let's get it harmonised and as efficient and effective as it can be.
01:52 Hope states and territories will have a can-do attitude to make it happen.
