How to Be a Lightworker - Spirituality for Beginners

  • 2 years ago
It is our hope that you will search for new terms and our belief that this process will contribute to you as a multidimensional being.

Are you a Lightworker? Am I a Lightworker? What is a Lightworker? What are the signs of a Lightworker? The facets of working with the Light of God are as prismatic as the frequencies of Light itself in the visible specturm and beyond. Due to the higher dimensional origins and complexity of what God is, it can be difficult to conceptualize, so stilling the consciousness and accessing the SuperConsciousness is a more effective approach.

One can work with the Light of God at any level of Being, but walking the path of ascension can greatly amplify one’s ability and capacity as a Lightworker.

The following quote is from the book, “A Beginners Guide to the Path of Ascension,” By Dr. Joshua David Stone and Reverend Janna Shelley Parker, a book on spirituality for beginners: “Do you ever sense that you are more than flesh and bone, more than emotions, more than your mind? There are great spiritual truths that are part of each and every one of us, relating to the higher spiritual kingdoms, and the glorious divine destiny that awaits humanity via the forces within evolution itself and humanity’s conscious progress along the path of ascension.”

The Christ, Christos Sophia, Krystal Star, Buddha or Unity Consciousness is a Higher Dimensional Consciousness where a Human Being becomes One with the I AM Presence or the Divine Spark of God and the Super Conscious mind. One with everything at their level of Consciousness.

When we talk of the spiritual journey of Ascension, we do not mean turning into Light and ascending into the sky. Attaining the Higher states of Consciousness and an increase of the Light of God is often associated with a Bliss Like state of beingness. Currently incarnated Humans who experience this spiritual growth and ascend in this lifetime, will be Christed Lightworkers more equipped to help manifest that bliss like state and the Light of God on Earth. Simply being in this state and radiating the Light within will manifest the a greater amount of the Light of God on Earth and speak to others in a non-verbal intrinsic manner, circumventing the egoic consciousness and semantics.

Contemplation, visualization and imagination are very effective ways of working with the Light of god for example by envisioning places, objects or other beings in Light, along with stating the intent to move or place the Light. For more power, The Light frequency can be requested from an Ascended Master, Angel, or Archangel and combined with the aforementioned techniques.

Holograms are yet another way to work with the Light of God. One can place the Light where it is desired by using, I as the self or We as the Unity of Soul, I AM and Soul Extension—and saying for example, ”We place a Hologram of the Violet Flame around and within this home.” Holographic Spiritual Technologies were brought to Earth by Sharon Shalana Hillis


