VISUAL SIGNATURES, featuring Michael Singletary

  • 15 years ago
VISUAL SIGNATURES is a Public Service Announcement (PSA) that highlights a vast cultural array of visual artists who share with viewers their visions of creating art and the rewards of artistic expression.
MICHAEL SINGLETARY loves to tell stories about people -- who they are, what they do and, in some cases, why and how they do it. Besides doing extensive studies in sports and jazz; Singletary has crossed boundaries by portraying such unlikely topics of food. Food you ask? How about "Chocolate Hip Hop"? Singletary explains this and more, including his passion for painting and his love for pursing whimsical subjects and turning them into dramatic works of art.

VISUAL SIGNATURES is produced by the Intercultural Alliance of Artists & Scholars, Inc. (IAAS), a NY-based nonprofit organization that promotes multicultural literature and artistic expression. Seizing the power of television to expand social consciousness, the IAAS fuels the movement for progressive social, cultural and political transformation by exposing the public to perspectives excluded from the corporate-owned media through public access television. Copyright © 2004-2008. ||
