Basics of Popular Operating System(LINUX & WINDOW) || Chapter 2.1 || Computer || in #Hindi

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Basic of Popular Operating System
The most Popular and widely used are Linux and Windows.

Linux is an open source computer operating system designed primarily for the PCs. Linux was designed considering Unix compatibility. It is high security virus free operating system.

Elements of Linux
The Basic elements of Linux are described as:-

Kernel-It is a core component of Linux and provides basic services for all other parts of the operating system.

Shell-It is a program which provide the interface between the user and an operating system. It is used for executing the command.

File System-Linux treats everything as file. Even a directory is treated as a file. File system is a logical way to describe the collection of storage available to the computer.The hierarchical structure. The upper most directory is known as root directory.
Directory- A directory is defined as an organizational unit, or container, used to organize folders and files into a hierarchical structure.

Hierarchical File System- A Hierarchical File System is one that contains directories and sub-directories.
Advantages of Linux
Following are the advantages of Linux operating system:-

Portable-It can work on different types of hardware in same way.

Open Source-Linux Source code is freely available.

Multi-User-Linux is a multi-user system i.e. multiple users can access system system resources like memory/RAM/application programs at same time.

Multi-Programming- Linux is a multi-programming system which means multiple applications can run at the same time.

Hierarchical File System-Linux provides a standard file structure in which system files/user files are arranged.

Security-Linux provides user security using authentication features like password protection controlled access to specific files/encryption of data.

Disadvantages of Linux
The advantages of Linux operating system are:-
Some hardware and software are may not be compatible with a particular version of Linux.
Linux require a strong learning curve to understand,as all the commands are to be learned with syntax.
Installation and uninstallation of software is slightly tough task.
It is a case sensitive operation system, i.e. commands should be written with concentration.

Window is an operating system program that communicates your instructions to the actual computer hardware and displays the results. It is based on Graphical User Interface. and it is developed by microsoft.
The first version of MS-Windows, version 1.0 released in 1985.
Advantages of windows and Disadvantages of windwos
