Representation of data,Data Processing,Application of (IECT) || Chapter 1.9 || Computer || in #Hindi

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Representation of Data/Information

Data-Unprocessed raw facts and figures, like numbers, text on pieces of paper, are known as data.

Data Representation-It is refers to the form in which data is stored, processed and transmitted.

Basic Data Type-”Data type is a term that is used to show the kind of data value or the type of data that is expected to be handled.
A data type is a classification of the data type of data that a variable can hold in computer programming.

Integer Data Type-Integer Data type is used to stored whole number using different memory spaces. Integer has no fractional parts.Integer can be positive or negative.Integer takes 2 bytes in memory and it is from -32768 to +32767.

Character Data Type-The character Data type is used to store the alphanumeric character.Size of char is 1 byte, the range of values is from -128 to +128.

Float Data Type-The number having fractional part is a floating point number.Floating point numbers are used for measurable quantities like distance, area, temperature, etc, and typically have fractional part.It occupies 4 bytes of memory.

Double Data Type-This data type is used for double precision floating point numbers.Double data type occupies twice as much memory as type float and stores floating point numbers with much larger range and precision.The size of double type variable is 8 bytes.

Void Data Type-This data type is used for empty set of values.It is also used as the return type of functions.
Number System-The technique to represent and work with numbers is called number system.
Some popular number systems include binary number system, Decimal number system,octal number system, hexadecimal number system, etc.

Number System-The technique to represent and work with numbers is called number system.
Some popular number systems include binary number system, Decimal number system,octal number system, hexadecimal number system, etc

Binary Number System-Binary number system consists of only two digits 0 and 1.All data is converted in the form of 0 and 1.Digital computers work on binary system. Base for binary number is 2.

Digital Number System-Digital number system contains 10 to represent a number. In this number system , total 10 digits are used to the base of this number system is 10. Any number which contains 0 to 9 digits or consists of these digit can be represented as decimal number.

Octal Number System-This number system contains 8 symbols to represent a number.So base for octal number is 8 and digits are used from 0 to 7.

Hexadecimal Number System-There are 16 unique digits available in this number system.These are 0 to 9 and A to F , where A denotes 10, B denotes 11, C denotes 12,D denotes 13, E denotes 14 and F denotes 15.

Concept of Data Processing

It is the process through which facts and figure are collected , assigned meaning communication to other and retained from use.”Data processing is a series of actions or operations that converts d
