How Can We Do Affiliate Marketing on YouTube?

  • 4 years ago
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Hello today I want to talk about how can someone do affiliate marketing on YouTube. First I want to talk about what you don't want to do on YouTube.

I've seen this idea on Quora where some people will find YouTube channels on a niche and then they will comment and put an affiliate link in the comment.

That might be the worst way to do affiliate marketing. The reason why is because every single channel owner can see their comments. Most people read their comments and if they see spam most likely they will just delete the comment.

Another reason this is a horrible idea is there is no list. Most people if they do click on an affiliate link do not buy the first time they see something, some people do. Some people have to look at something many times and you lose out on all those sales.

You also lose out on additional sales because you can sale more than one thing to 1 person. Also, there is something about owning the stage for your brand it will help you long term.

I used to comment on similar videos and put a link to my video in the comment. As long as you ad value I think it's fine, but I stopped doing that because do you think that is a bottom feeding topic?

I guess it's beneath me right?

Another horrible mistake with YouTube is making videos that are irrelevent to your niche. I've actually been guilty of this.

One of the my funniest was on how to trick a slot machine, because I thought the topic was so cool. At the end I was like you could try making money online, it's legal. The video can tons of views, but probably not a lot of people signed up.

Views really don't matter, what matters is people optin in to your list. This is why I have a YouTube channel. The more targeted your traffic the better.

Another mistake is trying to go after keywords that are way too competitive, this has to do with SEO.
Search Engine Optimization.

When you type in a search on YouTube or Google the Search Engine gives you results. For SEO you want to just go after 1 keyword and put it in your title, first sentence, last sentence and in your tags. This tells Google this is what the video is about.

Then Google will give that video for someone who is looking for it. If you type this tittle, the one this video is about in quotes into Google you will notice that there are 3 results. This is what you want and you will get found for these keywords.

If there are a million pages then you don't want this because you will not get discovered, it's that simple.

What do you think is the very worst thing you can do on YouTube? I see this all the time. It's not putting a link to your optin page to grow your list. Also, not talking about the link in your video is bad.

I have a friend who actually created a product on finding these videos and buying them and sticking links into them.

Your not going to make any