Use Jealousy to Recover Your Ex (Subtle and Effective Steps)

  • hace 6 años

Trying to incite jealousy to recover your ex certainly has a tendency to be counterproductive, but if used properly, it can be a very effective strategy. In this video we are going to tell you how you can use jealousy subtly to recover your ex.

1. Concentrate on yourself.

Go to the gym and concentrate on getting fit: when you recover your body, your ex goes crazy, it is true that everything enters through the eyes. Your ex will feel jealousy and more physical attraction for you. In addition, it has been proven that exercise increases the levels of dopamine in your brain and makes you feel incredible.

Not only will you look good, but you will also feel great, your aura will be illuminated and your surroundings will be calmer to think calmly. It is a win-win situation for you and your ex will definitely notice it.

2. You must socialize and make friends.

Go out and meet other people, the jealousy to recover your ex works like this: the more you leave, the more your ex will think: "I used to be that really high quality person with whom I was dating, so why did the relationship end? "Go out in as many dates as you can, even if you do not feel like it, make the effort.

This does not mean going out and sleeping with everyone. You are trying to show your ex that you are highly desirable.

3. Let everyone know what you are doing.

Use social networks for your benefit: your ex will visit your Facebook page. Unless the relationship ended so badly that it eliminated you, you can count on your ex to visit you. Post pictures of yourself doing really fun things that your ex would not expect you to be doing.

Take photos with friends, attractive men, the jealousy to recover your ex is so they work, and make sure it seems that you have a busy social life and that you are requested at all times.

Talk to mutual friends: if you share friends in common, use them as a tool. Tell your common friends all the dates you've had, the adventures you've been on and, most importantly, all the people who have been clamoring to meet you. They are likely to run to your ex and tell him everything about it. People love to gossip, so take advantage of it.

If you want to generate jealousy to recover your ex, you have to concentrate more on yourself than on your ex. Causing jealousy may sound manipulative, but in the end if you can jealously use jealousy it can be a very powerful tool to recover your ex.

Also, your methods are more about you than your ex. So shake and show your ex how desirable you are. When your ex sees the incredible changes you have made going to the gym or focusing on your career, you will be jealous and want to go back with you.

Also, when you see your incredible social life and how friends and people are looking for you, you will also feel jealous and wonder why it broke up with you.



