Should I Make My Ex Jealous To Get Him Back?

  • hace 7 años
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Should I Make My Ex Jealous To Get Him Back? In this video, some little tricks to make the ex jealous.

It’s important to understand before you try any of this to understand that these tricks can backfire. If you’re not sincere in wanting your ex back, don’t’ waste your time. This is a ‘covert’ operation and must be kept secret.

Get a make over

One way to guarantee your ex’s interest in you is to put on a fresh new look. This doesn’t mean that you have to invest lots of dollars in your look, but you do need to try a different style. This will tell your ex that you’ve moved on and are becoming more open to change and the excitement it can bring.

Try new colors; buy some clothes that you would not have tried before. Get a new hair style. Just change your appearance in a fresh new way. You will appear to be a brand new person with the added bonus of being familiar at the same time.

Date! Date! Date!

You’re going to be meeting new people anyway, so don’t fail to use this to your advantage. Be sure to take photos of you with your new friends and post them on social media along with bubbly and glowing reports about how much fun you’re having these days.

This will give your ex time to remember that you are a fun person to be with and, as it works out, you are a ‘high value’ partner. Others want you. Now he or she will have to try to remember why they dropped you in the first place. (The secret bonus to this covert operation is that you might just meet somebody who will make you forget about your ex entirely.)

Use social media

As we mentioned above, social media is a great place to let your ex know how very well you’re getting along in your new ‘single’ life. You and your close friends can use social media to demonstrate that you’re not just moping and pining away, but are getting out and about and are enjoying new things and people.

Unless your ex has completely blocked you out of his/her life, you can bet they will be watching – and probably secretly hoping you’re miserable. Don’t appear to be suffering, no matter what you do.

While making your ex jealous may sound manipulative, the underlying game here is to make positive changes in your life, changes that will make your ex want to be a part of the new way you are living. These pointers merely direct you toward a healthy way to get past the breakup and have a little fun along the way.