Should You Accept Your ex's Friendship After Breaking?

  • hace 7 años

When it comes to deciding to accept the friendship of your ex or not, keep being friends after breaking up, it is impossible to establish strict rules because each case is different. In rare cases, friendship can be a stepping stone to reconciliation, but in many cases friendship fails.

Let's see below the possible case when it comes to accepting the friendship of your ex, what could happen, what could it imply, and above all what you could do if your case is in particular the following scenarios.

Scenario 1: You still feel something and the door is not closed.

In this case, your ex still feels attached to you and the idea of ​​reconciling in the near future is not closed. If your ex has asked you to remain friends and keep communication channels open, to explore the possibilities of being together again, then your ex's friendship makes sense.

Be careful to get caught, or trapped in the safety net of the friends zone for too long. The friendship should be for a period of time and with some rules to follow, otherwise it becomes stagnant in that area for all the time.

Scenario 2: Your ex has said that everything is over.

If your ex has told you that everything is over, beware of the temptation to try to stay close to your ex by using the emotional back door of friendship. Of course, you need to use your instinct as the best guide. If you feel that you are forcing your ex's friendship, your plan is likely to be counterproductive.

Let's face the facts. If it is you, not your ex who is asking for friendship, then they are neither friends nor lovers at this time. Instead of playing the weak "friendship" card, relax and decide to stay away for a period of time.

Remember, pretending simply to accept the friendship of your ex, will not bring you closer to a reconciliation.

Scenario 3: Friends with benefits to accept the friendship of your ex.

If you have offered to accept your ex's friendship with the benefits (or are you allowing your ex to use you in this way), in the hope that hot sex will change your ex's opinion, think again very well!

Single sex, even mind-blowing sex, is not enough to heal a broken relationship again. If your relationship is in trouble, do not even think about trying to use sex as a carrot to attract your ex and come back.

In the end you will only hurt yourself when your ex finds another person to form a relationship. Instead, give yourself your place, let your ex realize that you are special, accept the friendship of your ex and above with intimate benefits is not the way to reconciliation.

