Should You Delete Your Ex From Facebook? (If you want me to come back)

  • hace 7 años
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In this video, we talk about a dilemma that many people face after a breakup, and that is whether or not they remove their ex from their social networking accounts. Thus. You must delete your facebook ex?

DO NOT. You should not delete your facebook ex for the moment.

Eliminating someone may mean that you think that you never want to hear back from your ex or that person, and this could be counterproductive after a while or at the moment.

You must keep your ex where he is right now, in your Facebook and Twitter accounts, but you must follow the period without contact, and actively practice it for the necessary time, if you want your ex to return to your life.

Do not chase your ex on Facebook. Follow the period without contact.

Well, even if you do not manage to eliminate your ex from Facebook, you should not see what he is doing on Facebook. You must be out there, living your life, feeling happy, and letting your ex miss you.

Avoid harassing your ex on Facebook and simply arming yourself with courage to get on with things. This is probably to check that you have the will to wait for it to come back, so it will be amazing!

Use social networks to change the way your ex feels about you and earn your interest again.

You can use your social networking accounts as a way to show your ex how well you are handling things in your life. But do not play - do not upload pictures of parties, boys or girls, as it will look very obvious.

Avoid Facebook a little if possible. Let me miss you and wonder what you're up to. Keep things simple - look at your facebook casually and upload some photos. You are more likely to be intrigued by that.

If your ex deletes you from facebook. do not panic. I'll tell you why he did that.

Your ex simply does not want to remind you every time you connect to your social networking accounts. He needs a mental break from things, since some people can not process emotions in the same way as others.

Calm down and continue. Over time, your ex can send you another friend request and feel the talk again, removing your ex from facebook is not really the ultimate solution if you intend to regain your love later.

