British PM woes continue

  • 7 years ago
Theresa May smiles in the waxwork model of the British prime minister by Madame Tussauds, but in reality she’s struggling to hold her government together.

Among other pressures, May is losing major allies to the sexual harrassment scandals besieging Westminster.

One of her key aides, Damian Green, is under investigation into claims he had pornography on his office computers.

Last week, close ally Michael Fallon, the defence minister, was forced to resign over allegations of sexual misconduct.

In addition, the embattled prime minister is having trouble keeping her troops in order.

British aid minister Priti Patel’s political future is in doubt over undisclosed meetings she held with Israeli officials in September while Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson faces claims he potentially extended the prison term of a British charity worker in Iran.

In less stressful times, both Patel and Johnson could have expected to lose their jobs, but the prime minister cannot afford to alienate any of her team. She is facing defeat on crucial Brexit legislation next week, the Repeal Bill, and needs all the help she can muster.


