Was China’s Traffic-Saddling Bus One Big Scam?

  • 7 years ago
by Jeff DonlanWas China’s traffic-straddling bus a big scam?A police investigation is underway, and 32 people have been arrested for illegal fundraising in connection to the new form of road transportation. The Transit Elevated Bus, or TEB, was designed to help ease traffic congestion in urban areas.First announced in 2010, the 300-passenger vehicle was intended to straddle the highway, allowing traffic to flow below.TEB’s first test run was completed in August 2016; instead of reducing traffic, it created more. Worse still, the test track was built on a public road, and was not cleaned up for months, causing bottleneck traffic in a city of 3 million people.The projects’ backers had been promised 12% returns on their investments. Beijing police are now working to recover investors funds and determine whether the big idea was ever a real thing.
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