"JFH: Justice For Hire - The Web Series" EPISODE 3 HD - Ultra-Realistic Mixed Martial Arts

  • 8 years ago
THE CLASSIC JFH WEB SERIES, NOW IN DAILYMOTION -- EPISODE 3: "Tales of Nickel - A Fool's Heist Part 3" - Nickel is in trouble. While nearing completion on a covert mission, Nickel's trademark antics have resulted in the sounding of the security alarm, calling all members of the rival retribution team, BeatDown Express, to show Nickel first hand what they do best. Starring Gabe Dorado, Mercer Boffey, Ian Morgan, Max Chen, Glenyss Puentavella, Banyan Williamson-Masuda, Jan Lucanus, Hinton Wells, and Danny Santos. Featuring an original score by Sage Michael. Directed by Jan Lucanus. Based on the critically acclaimed comic book/DVD series "JFH: Justice For Hire". NOTE: The DVD content originally packaged with the comics is now available in the JFH video playlist.

Get "JFH" comics wherever digital comics are sold. Here's a free one: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Jan_Lucanus_JFH_Justice_For_Hire_0?id=WHoMBgAAQBAJ

The old school stuff was fun, but watch the NEW & IMPROVED “JFH: Justice For Hire - Retribution Task Force” here:


but we’d really appreciate your support by streaming, renting, or buying It on any of the sites below:

IndieFlix (streaming): https://indieflix.com/indie-films/jfh-justice-for-hire-retribution-task-force-45871/

SnagFilms (streaming): http://www.snagfilms.com/films/title/jfh_justice_for_hire_retribution_task_force

Selz (Pay What You Want & Own Deluxe Bundle): https://creativeimpulse.selz.com/item/55a04bc5b7987205accd5aac

VHX (Rent or Own HD Bundle): https://justiceforhire.vhx.tv/

Roku’s VHX Channel: https://www.vhx.tv/roku

Distrify: https://new.distrify.com/videos/59wMQr-jfh-justice-for-hire-retribution-task-force

Bit-Torrent Bundles (Own Deluxe Bundle): https://bundles.bittorrent.com/bundles/jfhrtf


JFH: JUSTICE FOR HIRE®, a registered trademark, BEATDOWN EXPRESS™, all characters, names, storylines, and images, are copyright © 2003-2015 Creative Impulse Entertainment, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
