Belgium to get its Waterloo commemorative coin

  • 9 years ago
Belgium has come up with a way to circumvent French opposition to a commemorative 2 euro coin celebrating the Battle of Waterloo.

Instead its minting a 2.5 euro coin which will not be legal tender in the eurozone.

Back in March Paris objected on the grounds that glorifying a time of conflict ran counter to efforts to foster European unity.

Belgium gives France the big A. In coin.— Tim Skellett (@Gurdur) June 9, 2015

The 19 countries using the euro, use their own national design on one side of the coins. They may also mint special editions of the largest 2-euro, but these designs must by approved by the Council of EU Ministers.

The new coin is virtually the same as the one France opposed and represents the Anglo-Dutch-German victory over Napoleon outside Brussels on June 18, 1815.