Help Create the United States People Parallel Congress

  • 9 years ago
The current United States Congress currently has a 7-12% approval
rating, we can easily do better than that! Why does it have such a dismal
rating? Simple, it doesn’t represent the will of the people anymore, because
if you have a congress of mainly millionaires, that is what you represent,
rich people. The People's Parallel Congress on the other hand is actually
for the People, of the People, by the People, without lobbyists or direct
corporate / business influence.
The Peoples Parallel Congress, unlike the current official United States Congress would have...
• Normal everyday working people like our actual population
• No Lobbyists
• No Corporate or Business influence or representation
• No decision making or voting based on Money
• No direct Elite influence or indirect influence from the 0.0000....0001%
• No influence from Big Banks, Weapons Manufacturers, Wall Street, Big
Oil, Big Pharma, Big Telecommunications, Big Internet etc....
In otherwords it would only represent people, for people, by people, of people, only people.

Links to More information about project:

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