DARPA’s Revolutionary New Tank Focuses On Agility

  • 10 years ago
Tanks aren’t known for their agility, but DARPA’s developing one that could change that.

Tanks aren’t known for their agility, but DARPA’s developing one that could change that.

The vehicle is part of their Ground X-Vehicle Technology program, which aims to better adapt to the changing landscape of ground combat.

Up until now the solution to providing more secure and durable tanks was to increase the armor around them.

The added weight slows vehicles down and doesn’t necessarily provide additional protection against the weapons used in modern warfare.

DARPA is switching up their approach by designing a machine that can avoid threats altogether.

They’re still in the early stages of research and development but have a very clear picture of what they’re looking for.

In a statement they said their goal is, “…to investigate revolutionary ground-vehicle technologies that would simultaneously improve the mobility and survivability of vehicles…including avoiding detection, engagement and hits by adversaries.”

Early computer models show enhanced suspension systems that could raise and lower the body of the tank, armor that has repositioning capabilities, and better acceleration.

Thus, rather than outfitting a vehicle to survive a direct hit, they plan to make one that can just get out of its way.