TV airs Vietnam boat sinking video

  • 10 years ago

Vietnam Television (VTV) recently broadcast footage of a Vietnamese fishing boat sinking, after it was hit by what was reportedly a Chinese vessel.

The video showed a larger vessel following a smaller fishing boat before hitting it, causing it to sink. VTV said the video was filmed on May 26 near the disputed Paracel Islands in the South China Sea.

Scores of Vietnamese and Chinese ships, including coast guard vessels, have continued to square off in recent weeks after a Chinese state owned company towed an oil rig into a stretch of water near the jointly-claimed Paracel Islands, provoking anger and violent protests in Vietnam.

Last week Hanoi said a Chinese boat rammed and sank a Vietnamese fishing vessel not far from the oil rig. China's official Xinhua news agency reported the vessel capsized after "harassing and colliding with" a Chinese fishing boat.

Tensions have been running high and Vietnam repeatedly accused China
