
  • 10 years ago
Democrat Town Hall Meeting
Smoky Hill Public Library
11:00 a.m. March 2, 2013

Video can be found at The link will be provided once it is finished uploading.

Sheilah's note: This morning on a Facebook post, I had several requests to share this video. I have never really had the time to transcribe the entire 44 minute video. I apologize in advance because the video is shaky and the audio is poor. I had not intended to record anything at all that day.
I took out my camera when Su Ryden threatened not to hold any more town hall meetings. This is a comment that Nancy Todd reiterates around the 1:24 mark of the video. These lawmakers were not taking questions from the audience and were fairly short when people tried to talk about the second amendment. I thought this was odd because it was not indicative of my usual experience with the Democrat town hall meetings at Smoky Hill Library. Typically Buckner, Carroll, Ryden, and Todd are more respectful of their audience. In any event, I invite you to watch as much as you want, draw your own conclusions and share the video with whomever you wish.
