LORE - Assassin's Creed Lore in a Minute!

  • 11 years ago
Hannah From the Yogscast explains the ridiculous lore of Assassin's Creed. Have Fun!

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Art by D.J. "Metaly" Ross

Narrated by Hannah from the Yogscast

Written by Dodger

Edited by Schroeder


In the somewhat awkwardly close distant future, September 2012, a bartender named Desmond Miles is captured by a morally questionable megacorp known as Abstergo Industries. Once there, he's jacked into a program called the Animus, a la "Neo" and "The Matrix", a device that somehow allows a person to relive their ancestors' lives via "genetic memory." It's revealed that Abstergo is run by an ancient group of "Templars", who maintain an ever-so-likely goal of world domination and life-long badassery. Using Desmond's ancestor, the Templars attempt to discover the location and nature of the "Pieces of Eden", ancient artifacts sought after by the Templars and The Brotherhood of Assassins.

By force, Desmond enters the boots of his distant ancestor Altair from 12th century Holy Land, who, after dispatching a number of morally questionable individuals, discovers a fragment of the "Piece of Eden." Deciding they no longer need him, Abstergo attempts to kill Desmond but falls short, allowing his escape. Desmond then uses an Animus held by the present-day Brotherhood of Assassins to relive the life of another ancestor, Ezio from the Renaissance, who discovers the final part of the "Piece of Eden". Knowledge in hand, the stage is now set for an epic confrontation between Brotherhood and Templars in the distant past, the slightly less distant past, and the not so distant future.

Have fun!

LORE - Assassin's Creed Lore in a Minute!


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