Tiger Requires Surgery for Massive Hairball

  • 11 years ago
A tiger requires surgery for a massive hairball.

We’ve all seen cats coughing up those annoying hairballs.

Well in a bizarre case, a huge tiger was forced to undergo surgery at an animal hospital in Clearwater due to a stubborn hairball that would not come out naturally.

Named Ty, the humongous cat weighs roughly 400 pounds. He was taken to the veterinary facility by his owner, Vernon Yates who is also the founder of a Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation center.

Yates stated “He’s sort of like my biggest baby. This is my kid. This tiger means more to me than any cat that I have.” Prior to the operation, Ty would not eat. A scope, outfitted with a camera revealed the problem – a four pound hairball resided in his body.

Everything went smoothly and Ty is expected to make a full recovery.

Last year, a normal-sized domestic kitty in the United Kingdom named Oliver required surgery after swallowing his owner’s diamond necklace. The jewelry piece had been resting on a coffee table next to his treats.
