Joel Jamieson

My videos will demonstrate

-The Best MMA Training Techniques

-What MMA Strength and Conditioning is Really All About

-The Most Common Mistakes Made When Trying to Improve Explosive Po

Get a Copy of My Latest Book

The first copies of my new book "Ultimate MMA Conditioning" are now shipping and I'd like to invite you to join the more than 500 people worldwide who have joined in the MMA Conditionining revolution.

It's all about to change...

Ultimate MMA Conditioning will be the first time I've ever taught my training methodology to anyone outside of the top ranks of MMA or those training personally with me and the first time I've ever released the real training secrets that I've used with more than 20 of the best MMA fighters in the world over the last five and a half years.

I will teach you...

-How to accurately test and asses each of the body's energy systems using methods I've personally developed

-What Strength & Conditioning in MMA is really all about

-How to develop explosive power you're able to maintain all fight long

-The most effective systems to train together if you really want fast results

-What conditioning really is and why most fighters approach their conditioning all wrong

-Why most gurus are dead wrong in aerobic training

And Much more!

Reserve Your Copy Here:

My Background

Prior to my work in MMA and combat sports, I spent time training D-1 football players and worked in the NFL with the Seattle Seahawks.

I have trained countless teams and athletes from the NFL, MLS, NHL and NBA and Olympic competitors from 5 different sports.

Now with more than 7 years of experience working with many of the top athletes in the sport and training over 30 of the biggest names in MMA, including 7 world champions I'am sharing the secrets to Ultimate MMA Conditioning.

To find out more visit