Archived > 2015 May > 13 Noon > 37

Videos archived from 13 May 2015 Noon

Uber sued by family of 6-year-old girl killed by UberX driver
Woody Allen sex claims: daughter Dylan Farrow alleges abuse as child
Australia approves dumping dredged sediment near Great Barrier Reef
Police brutality? Rotterdam New York cops sued for breaking teen's arm
SaveOneLife: mine detector inside a shoe
True Love Tester Bra: Japanese lingerie maker introduces modern day chastity belt for breasts
Владимир Высоцкий-Разбойничья песня
3 Killed in Colorado helicopter crash
DDT exposure may increase Alzheimer's risk
Epic online battle causes real world money losses
Fresh Russian dash cam videos expose crazy people everywhere!
Prundu Bargaului
Snowden: NSA spying through Angry Birds and other apps
Vincent Wade crashes into Philadelphia Crown Fried Chicken, strips and plays with himself
Dive boat 'Aladdin' sinks in Thailand
Meet Shamate : China's Visual kei
Mexican man adrift at sea survives for 13 months
Skydiving teen Mackenzie Wethington survives 3,500-foot fall
pez disco acuario biotopo amazonico.wmv
Seahawks spank Broncos in Super Bowl 48!
Southern Thailand insurgent attack kills three
3 killed in three back-to-back Karachi grenade attacks
Firecracker slits girl's throat and kills her in Lunar New Year tragedy
Jeopardy 'Mad Genius' Arthur Chu destroys competition
Malaysian church firebombed as country embroiled in religious row
Taiwan's Presidential Office to enhance security after attack
China's traffic troubles: Largest human migration over Lunar New year
Insane shopping accidents: Be careful next time you go grocery shopping
Meat truck catches fire sparking BBQ cravings all over SoCal Desert
Chinese vessels in disputed waters after Abe's WWI claim
France 3 Loire - 12 mai 2015
Health hazards of prolonged sitting
Le 18h info du 12 mai 2015
Philippines army offensive kills at least 37 rebels
Police shoot teen in the wrist at Honolulu high school
17-year-old dies from extremely rare aging disease
Amazing molotov cocktail car chase in Ukraine then police fight!
Hey Lady! Sports girl Jin-chi
Malay robbers take M$3.3 m in cash in van hijacking
Food pr0n: Korean webcam girl gets rich eating on camera
Cop Jason Fougere takes nude selfie, sends it to woman
Taiwanese model posts suicide attempt video on Facebook
2 injured in shooting outside facility where Thai PM is in meeting
Korean women offer sexy selfies for online product reviews
Philip Seymour Hoffman dead: actor likely overdosed on heroin
China's Jade Rabbit moon rover suffers technical problems
Anti-gay violence in Russia documented in video
Gangsters yell 'watch NMA' on Facebook after stabbing people
Japanese woman snatched and confined for ten hours on Tokyo's road
North Koreans are scared of becoming Kim Jung-un's next target
ODB- Brooklyn Zoo Video
'Wheel of torture' game used by Philippines police during interrogations
iPhone maker Foxconn to set up shop in Pennsylvania; folks ready windows!
200 demons live in this Indiana home
Zakir Ghulam Abbas Ratan Majlis 19 April 2015 Jambar Multan Road
Hofman's Rubber Duck faces competition as giant golden chicken floats into Taiwan
Bra-revealing girls escort Taiwanese Folk God Santaizi (三太子) for a Chinese New Year pilgrimage
Super Bowl XLVIII: Seahawks vs Broncos official NMA preview
Egyptian helicopter downed by surface-to-air missile
Silicon Valley exec killed trying to save man from train in Santa Clara
70 ans après la libération de la poche de St Nazaire
Escalator death: Montreal woman strangled by scarf in escalator accident
Boko Haram attacks leave 62 dead in Nigeria
Caught on camera: Man screws mannequin during robbery in Brazilian shopping mall
How to escape an awful date using Jujitsu
Smith & Wesson's new Backpack Cannon will blow you away!
Johnny Cash - Hurt
Top 5 funny animal fart videos and fun flatulence facts
Top 10 beauties in real estate business in 2013
Scarlett Johansson's sexy SodaStream Super Bowl commercial banned by FOX!
真瞎打麻將解酒 門開開變聚賭
條瓜性侵嫩妻 噁拌沙拉吃
An Overview of The Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture.
暴飲暴食 婦人胃爆炸還噴火
有夠神 拜完30內抓到搶匪
「不要強姦我」是口頭禪 野砲女王傅天穎獲判無罪
美魔女需索無度 畸戀少年遭判刑
The Divine Comedy - Tonight we fly (Live)
偷胸罩內衣 當抹布色賊遭逮
教官偷吃嫩草 勾女學生上床12次
Kya Shohar aur Bivi ki Marne ke Baad Mulaqat hogi by Mufti Akmal Madani Sahib
情侶性侵檳榔西施 老公我也要
極地渦旋壓境 台日冷吱吱
中尉愛慕女軍官 偷T恤下咒
下體一直震 男被揪偷手機
男友拒嘿咻 裸女大暴走
非洲人肉餐廳 驚藏2顆人頭
14歲少女夜歸 慘遭6男輪暴
「靠身體養活自己」 少女半年嘿咻30男
元宵禁嘿咻 情侶甭避諱
老電梯殺人 害少婦斷頭
人妻捉姦反勾小三丈夫上床 判賠15萬
闖鄰居家撕日曆 被趕不爽打死人
性愛趴落空 師為初戀殺人
總統府告張德正 求償300萬
醉男瞎掰 搶匪丟100元加油
Flappy Bird killed; creator pulls game from Internet
全家人連吃3天麻油雞 痘痘痔瘡酒駕通通有
噁大叔警秀健美照 騷擾女學生
惡男的獵殺遊戲 無辜遊民枉死