Archived > 2012 April > 03 Noon > 17

Videos archived from 03 April 2012 Noon

Exercise Plan - Quadricep Workout Using a BOSU Ball
Exercise Plan - Quadricep Workout Through Squats
Exercise Plan - Tricep Workout Fly Extensions
Exercise Plan - Tricep Workout with a Weight Machine
Exercise Plan - Standing Tricep Kickbacks
Exercise Plan - Upright Row with Push Outs and Up and Backs
Exercise Plan - Pump Lateral and Frontal Raises
Exercise Plan - Skull Crushers
Exercise Plan - Tricep Dips
Exercise Plan - Double Handed Frontal Raises and Upright Rows
Exercise Plan - Quadricep Workout Cool Down Stretches
Exercise Plan - Quadricep Workout Through Squat Jumps
Intermediate Pilates Body Positioning and Breathing
Muay Thai Kickboxing - How to Throw a Cross
Muay Thai Kickboxing - Proper Footwork
Muay Thai Kickboxing - How to Throw a Front Kick
Exercise Plan - Candle Stick and Shoulder Raises
Intermediate Pilates - The Saw
Exercise Plan - Overhead Shoulder Presses
Exercise Plan - Tricep Kickbacks and Easybar Curls
Muay Thai Kickboxing - How to Throw a Front and Back Hook
Muay Thai Kickboxing - How to Throw a Uppercut
Intermediate Pilates - Double Leg Stretch
Toning the Upper Body
Muay Thai Kickboxing - How to Throw a Round Kick
Intermediate Pilates - Rolling like a Ball
Exercise Plan - Leg Press Machine Quadricep Workout
Intermediate Pilates - Corkscrew
Muay Thai Kickboxing - How to Throw a Jab
Intermediate Pilates - Roll-Up into Rolling
Intermediate Pilates - Criss Cross Crunches
Intermediate Pilates - Straight Leg Stretch Into Scissors
Intermediate Pilates - Back Extensions
Intermediate Pilates - Hundreds
Intermediate Pilates - Teaser
Exercise Plan - Leg Extension Machine Quadricep Workout
Intermediate Pilates - Swimming
Exercise Plan - Quadricep Workout With Lunges
Intermediate Pilates - Side Plank
Muay Thai Kickboxing - How to Throw a Knee Strike
Intermediate Pilates - Planks
Intermediate Pilates - Push Up with Leg Raise
Intermediate Pilates - Hamstring Curls
Intermediate Pilates - Breast Stroke
Intermediate Pilates - Circular Crunches
Muay Thai Kickboxing - How to Throw a Low Kick
Intermediate Pilates - Shoulder Bridge
Intermediate Pilates - Side Bend Leg Lift
Basic Yoga - Sun Salutation A
Intermediate Pilates - Single Leg Circles
Basic Yoga - Getting Into Crow
Advanced Pilates - Single Leg Stretch with a Ball
Intermediate Pilates - Side Twist
Advanced Pilates - Rolling like a Ball with a Ball
Intermediate Pilates - The Genie
Basic Yoga - Balancing Series
Basic Yoga - Hand Stand
Advanced Pilates - Open Leg Rocker
Basic Yoga - Backbending Series
Advanced Pilates - Hundreds
Advanced Pilates - Circular Crunches
Advanced Pilates - Double Leg Stretch with a Ball
Basic Yoga - Warrior Series
Advanced Pilates - Back Extensions on the Ball
Advanced Pilates - The Cancan
Advanced Pilates - The Roll-Over
Advanced Pilates - Push Up into a Side Plank
Advanced Pilates - Side Plank
Advanced Pilates - Push Up with a Leg Raise
Advanced Pilates - Planks with a Leg Twist
Pro Athlete Training - Walking Knee Hugs
Advanced Pilates - The Genie with a Ball
Acupuncture for Headaches
Advanced Pilates - One Arm Side Push Up
Advanced Pilates - Hamstring Curl on a Ball
Advanced Pilates - One Legged Ball Bridge
Pro Athlete Training - Hamstring Stretching Exercises
Basic Yoga - Triangle Series
Pro Athlete Training - Glute Stretching Exercises
Pro Athlete Training - Walking Quad Stretches
Advanced Pilates - Side Twist
Pro Athlete Training - Shin Stretches
Santos resalta compromiso humanitario de las FARC
Pro Athlete Training - Elbow to instep Stretches
Pro Athlete Training - Hips and Core Exercises
Un dia Caminaba Oficial
Acupuncture for Knee Pain
Pro Athlete Training - Hamstring Exercises
Pro Athlete Training - Combination Stretches
Basic Yoga - Sun Salutation B
Acupuncture for Abdominal Pain
Pro Athlete Training - Basic Pushups
Acupuncture for Back Pain
Pro Athlete Training - Calf Raises
Pro Athlete Training - Floor Strengthening
Advanced Pilates - Side Bend Leg Lift with a Curl
Pole Dancing Warmup
Pro Athlete Training - Ball Pushups
Pro Athlete Training - Flexibility Exercises
Pole Dancing - Ballerina Spin