Yacht Charter Croatia

In 2010, Adriatic Prestige Management was established in Split, Croatia as its headquarter. The company was created from the synergy of highly seasoned specialists in the boat and tourism industry.

For us, being a good agent means to listen closely to our clients and then matching them up with the perfect yacht, crew and itinerary. It requires lots of skill, caring and intimate, personal knowledge of the yachts and their crews -- and we have it all!

As one of the youngest companies in charter world, we gathered all in one place, a complete pack of yacht service all over the Adriatic to ensure joyful yachting experience.
We just know that service and experience we provide must be sensational and unique because increasingly competitive nautical sector requires it! Companies targeting very same nautical sector are destined to advance or are trodden underfoot. Over the last few years, Adriatic Prestige demonstrated that our management and staff is truly committed in establishing dominant, leading position when it comes to luxury yacht charter or yacht management on Adriatic.

Despite all global trends, Adriatic Prestige grows and will use all of its resources, potential, knowledge and professionalism to impose new and higher standards for its clients and partners on Adriatic.

As You probably already know, Croatia and Adriatic have been voted as a top European „must see & must visit" destination, among all those who are prepare to spend their time off „below the radar", far away from everyday rush and fast tempo brought to us by everyday choirs and by those who would gladly join the whole day island partying with world celebrities.

When it comes to Adriatic, your choice is obvious!

Adriatic Prestige Management team