
Maestro™ is a self directed web-based coaching (discipleship) and curriculum system that helps people target and overcome issues breaking their rhythm with God at work. Maestro is very practical using a front-end Work Issue Assessment tool to pinpoint top issues faced by working believers. A worker then receives prescriptive Coaching through Maestro in addition to weekly Maestro Coaching Sessions via email and curriculum. Maestro is built on a holistic, well-defined theological framework, coaching people at the right time and right place, when and how they work. About WorkLife, Inc.(formerly His Church at Work) As one of the leading "Faith at Work" voices in America, WorkLife pioneered the first scalable and sustainable WorkLife coaching system via the web called Maestro WorkLife Coaching. Founded by Doug Spada (CEO) nearly 10 years ago, WorkLife has collaborated with God equipping organizations to empower working people to practice an effective life at work. WorkLi