Willie and Marisa

As the saying goes “it doesn’t get any better than this”. How do two totally different people on the outside met and co-exist together to now form the dynamic duo “Willie and Marisa” passion on purpose!

Marisa ~ A high school scholar from NC who speaks two languages, studied abroad, both parents life long educators, UVA graduate, master’s candidate from Emory University who at the height of her career held down threeee jobs mannnn earning less than $50K a year.

Willie ~ The class clown from Mississippi and a jack of all trades who went from attending (but not completing) MSU, working construction, being a dealer at Sam’s Town Casino’s, hustling incense, selling body oils, and painting dolls to grossing near six figure success in the IT industry.

The thing that we did have in common when we met was that we were both sick and tired of living a life of quiet desperation. Marisa was on the verge of being evicted from her apartment and I’d just lost a home to predatory lending in Atlanta. We both knew something great was on the horizon for us, and it was becoming quite clear that it began to unfold the very moment we met.

We talked about jobs, education, travel, religion, food, past relationships, personal development, culture, economics, music “Tupac-vs-Biggie” still debating this one, ACC vs. SEC a total no-brainer ~ I mean the SEC is the better conference, cars, family, where the world is going, and what we could do to make our situation better and help others.

@willieandmarisa hasn’t created any playlists yet