Giant Rats Causing Havoc in Louisiana

  • 11 years ago
Giant rats are causing havoc in Louisiana.

Giant rats continue to gnaw away at the Louisiana wetlands coastline, further compromising the land’s ability to maintain its biodiversity and serve as a barrier against hurricanes.

Called nutria, the rodents were imported from South America in the 1930s to make fur clothing and accessories – Greta Garbo was among the Hollywood fans of the pelts.

The escape of some combined with the decline in fur popularity in the 80s led to the nutria overpopulation and their ever-growing presence in the already eco-challenged Bayou.

People are getting creative about how to rid their area of them. The Louisiana government is offering 4 dollars a tail and local foodies have started to come up with tasty recipes for various dishes. Apparently, nutria tastes better than steak.

The fur is also on its way to making a triumphant return to fashion. It’s even touted by some as being a guilt-free due to the villainous role the animal it plays in the wild, as well as the fact it already has a bounty on its head.

Both Michael Kors and Oscar de la Renta have included nutria linings or trim on recent designs.