Dennis Rodman to Go Back to North Korea

  • 11 years ago
Dennis Rodman is scheduled to go back to North Korea.

Dennis Rodman announced recently that he is returning to North Korea. He says, “We have no plans really, as far as what we're going to do over there, but we’ll just hang and have some fun!”

The “we” he’s referring to are himself and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

Rodman returned from North Korea in February. Of Kim Jong Un’s threats to unleash a nuclear weapon, Rodman offered, “He just wants to be loved. He just wants to sit down and talk. That’s all.”

Rodman reported that the FBI approached him after his last trip, and they wanted to know who was really running things in North Korea.

His reason for being in the country in the first place had nothing to do with being an ambassador or an informant.

Sent on behalf of HBO’s upcoming Vice newsmagazine show Rodman and three members of the Harlem Globetrotters were in North Korea for an exhibition game.

What do you think about Dennis Rodman visiting North Korea?