Your Beer May Contain Arsenic and That's Ok

  • 11 years ago
Beer may contain arsenic traces.

If you’re trying to cut back on your arsenic intake, consider ordering a cloudy beer next time you’re out.

German scientists recently reported that the process used to make beer and wine clear also adds varying amounts of the toxic substance.

Libations experts aren’t surprised by the findings. The filtering agent used is a natural product made of soft rock that contains metals.

Roger Boulton, a UC Davis professor said, “The levels shouldn't be alarming, because it's the kind of thing you see in dust or air."

He also pointed out that the scientific discovery could just mean that testing methods have gotten more precise.

While it might sound unappealing, and the low levels of arsenic are not considered toxic, why do we use it?

Consumers don’t find cloudy beverages appealing.

Producers have been using current methods for centuries to filter out plant matter, yeast, and other haze-producing elements.

There are way deadlier things in nature than arsenic. As you peruse the house martini list, keep an eye out for a number of other known killers.

Among them are castor beans, oleander, and the nightshade plant family which includes tobacco and morning glories.
