Margaret Thatcher - 7 Uncommon Facts

  • 11 years ago
Check out 7 uncommon facts about Margaret Thatcher.

Britain's first female Prime Minister passed away recently at the age of 87.
Here are 7 uncommon facts about Margaret Thatcher.

Number 7 – The Soviets were the first to deem Thatcher as “The Iron Lady” before she became the Prime Minister. It was reported that she enjoyed the nickname.

Number 6 – In 1947, Thatcher received a degree in chemistry from Oxford.

Number 5 – In her early working days, she tried to whip extra air into ice cream with the help of emulsifiers. Her team succeeded, creating what we know today as soft-serve ice cream.

Number 4 – Thatcher always thought highly of handbags, She once referred to her purse as “the only safe place in Downing Street”.

Number 3 – Both of Thatcher’s parents ran a grocery business and lived in an apartment above the store.

Number 2 - The Labour party along with the press gave her the title of "Thatcher, Milk Snatcher" after she abolished free milk for schoolchildren.

Number 1 – In 1984, she narrowly escaped a bombing assassination attempt at a hotel during a Conservative Party conference.Five other people were killed in the tragedy.