Man Sells Himself as Shares

  • 11 years ago
A man sells himself as shares.

Who owns you? Simple question - right? Not so much for Mike Merrill.

The Portland, Oregon resident sold shares of himself to investors, giving them a vote on decisions that he makes in his life.
This project started in 2008, and Merrill makes professional and personal decisions based on the votes of shareholders in an enterprise known as KmikeyM, an abbreviation of Mike Merrill’s full name.

He promised a return to his investors on profits made outside of his day job income.

The stunt ended up costing him a five year relationship with his girlfriend, who held only a minority number of shares and thought that Merrill was letting outside parties make decisions about their personal life together.

He started dating again, but this time he let the shareholders vote on his romantic decisions.

One of his dates was keen on the idea of being able to own stock in her boyfriend, and they hashed out an eight page relationship contract that included things like schedules of flossing, watching television, and even the frequency of sexual relations.

Merrill and his new girlfriend have reportedly renewed the relationship contract for another three months.
