"Windows 8 Using XAML: String and Image Resources" Trailer

  • 11 years ago
Trailer for "Windows 8 Using XAML: String and Image Resources" tutorial video with
Expert Instructor – Ken Getz.

Working with resources in Windows 8 is just as important as previous versions. In this course you will learn to work with string resources to factor text out of applications. You will also learn to support text localization through the use of resource files and load resources using the design-time x:Uid property, and programmatically. You will also see how to use multiple resource files; load resources from a resource assembly. Next you will learn how to react to language changes, and override the preferred language. Then you will see how to work with image resources, handling localization and scaling, use Visual Studio’s designer for logo images, and load correctly scaled images programmatically.

Get full course details @ http://bit.ly/10MjhEh