Women Look Oldest on Wednesdays: Study

  • 11 years ago
A study reveals that women look the oldest on Wednesdays.

"How do I look"?
If it’s a Wednesday, it may not be a good idea to ask that question.

According to a new study, carried out by the tanning company, St Tropez, one in ten women find Wednesdays the most stressful day of the week.

The research also concluded that the ladies look the oldest at 3:30 in the afternoon on Wednesday. Evidently that particular time is when energy levels drastically reduce and work stress is at an all time high. It is also when the effects of weekend partying and lack of sleep appear.

The alcohol usually consumed over the weekend takes a few days to kick in. Many women also encounter a lack of sleep on Monday’s due to work or hangovers and voila!... the end result is a less-than-pretty result on Wednesdays.

A St. Tropez skin expert states “Combine the highest stress levels of the week on a Wednesday with the natural mid-afternoon slump and it seems that's why women can look older than their years." All is not bad though, as the study found that Thursday is the day women are most likely to have sex.
