Sgt. Frog 28 Fandub - Part A

  • 17 years ago
Keoro Gunsou, in ENGLISH, dawg!

I still stink as Keroro, but these are still a ton of fun to make. On a side note, a lot of the cast dropped out after the last one (I can't really blame 'em), but fortunately PrettyKunoichi & Portzebie (who also supplied the soundtrack) did a phenomenal job filling these roles.

Giroro, Kururu - ShockDingo
Natsumi, Fuyuki, Momoka - PrettyKunoichi
Dororo - Shuffle/Panzyo
Tamama - Jane (my lil' sister)
Angol Mois - Scarlotte
Narrator - Portzebie

Once again, keep in mind that these were done for fun, and shouldn't be taken too seriously.