10 best tips to lose weight

  • 11 years ago
Hello! Today I will be sharing my 10 best tips to lose weight. Please print this information and place it where you can see it every day. Follow my tips and you will see results sooner than you think. Have a healthy day!


The Tips:
1. Get in the habit of reading food labels. Choose foods with little added sugars, fats, and sodium.
2. Eat small, frequent meals every 2-3 hours (3 meals, 2 snacks). Keep nutrients coming to keep your metabolism going.
3. Minimize the consumption of fried foods, sugar, white flour and alcohol. Do not keep these items high in calories at home.
4. Eat slow, it takes 20 minutes for the stomach to tell the brain that it is full. Savor the food, do not rush, that way you will not overeat.
5. Drink a glass of water, or eat a salad before a large meal.
6. Never skip breakfast or lunch.
7. Avoid eating carbs after 4pm and eating dinner after 8:30pm
8. Do not eat in front of the TV or the computer. Do not have control of what you are eating. Easy to overeat.
9. Share a large meal. For example get half a dozen of chicken wings get 2-3 to kill the craving, share the rest. Same with a piece of cake when getting desert.
10. Keep moving: daily exercise will burn the extra calories. Start with a little walk -- jog and increase the time by 5 minutes per week until you build a 45-60 minutes workout.