CGRundertow FINAL FANTASY DIMENSIONS for iPhone Video Game Review

  • 12 years ago
Final Fantasy Dimensions review. CGRundertow presents a video game review of Final Fantasy Dimensions from Square Enix and Matix Software for the iPhone. Final Fantasy is a series fans know well, and gamers have an idea of what their definition of what a Final Fantasy game should be. For those who enjoy the old-school SNES style of Final Fantasy, it may be time to consider buying a very expensive game for your iPhone, because Final Fantasy Dimensions brings back the best in the series and weaves a whole new adventure. It's a long adventure, with a fantastic return of the Job System, and it's available on the go! While the $30 price tag may be a little off putting, Final Fantasy Dimensions is a game that sets itself apart from its mobile gaming counterparts: this is a console worthy Final Fantasy game that honors the series best. Final Fantasy Dimensions is available for iOS devices and should be out soon for Android devices. This video review features video gameplay footage of Final Fantasy Dimensions on the iPhone, and audio commentary from Classic Game Room's Jonathan.

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