Review - Atspaces Web Hosting Review [free web hosting]

  • 12 years ago

Atspace is a very inexpensive web hosting company providing a wide array of web hosting services at much lower than normal prices ranging from truly free web hosting all the way up to VPS web hosting services. Paid Atspaces web hosting starts at .50 cents per month.

Atspaces web hosting spends very little on conventional advertising and marketing and instead relies on word of mouth. Atspaces is truly on of the highest quality web hosting companies there is and because only a small part of their budget goes into advertising Atspaces passes its savings on to web hosting customers. Paid web hosting services at Atspaces start at an amazing .50 cents per month allowing for unlimited traffic and unlimited storage. This is a fraction of what most top notch hosting companies charge. What is truly amazing about Atspaces is their free web hosting which really is free, is 100% banner and advertising free, has full cpanel access just like their paid hosting packages and the free Atspaces account even allows for full ftp access.