RagingRejectTV Exposed! GTFO The Internet! (DMC Debate/ DMC Part 5 Prologue)

  • 12 years ago
I have no idea who this clown is, but you’re not going to call me the fuck out and think you’re going to make a name for yourself trolling over this DMC situation, when you don’t give a damn about it. You want to be famous, then I’ll make you famous for all the wrong reasons. Then you want to try and make things personal? Over some fucking game videos? Well let’s get personal then! SHOTS FIRED!!

Josh Gothard Dating Sites (LOL @ J-Goth! Wannabe)



This bitches youtube channel and he shows his age

This clowns facebook page (Which is public and he promotes)

This bitch just trolled a Metal Gear: R video, claiming DmC is better (All night? What a LOSER) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=llcbWzAYqOM
