Task Force AF11 Exposes Violent Internet Thug

  • 12 years ago
Task Force AF11 = Task Force airy Feekun wa7ed wa7ed

Now, some of you are saying, OKAY that is good to know but what more Lilah, Racan? Why do we need to know this?? The answer, oh fair readers, is a sad one.

It’s sad because SyrianCommando is not a good person. No, he is a rather horrible person. He’s smart. He’s actually so smart that he is directly aiding regime intelligence/military with networking some type of communications system. In other words, this man is directly involved in the atrocities perpetrated by the regime.

It is easy to speculate that his family are direct agents of the regime as he tweeted on the day of the bombing in Abu Rumaneh, Damascus “The bomb went off near our apartment.” This is an affluent neighborhood of Damascus and we are certain his family are not originally from Damascus.

SyrianCommando, AKA Mohamad Susli, is a bad, bad man. He is a traitor. He sold out his fellow Syrians, his brothers and sisters, for a few cheap bucks and an education in Hong Kong.

We’re letting you know this because it’s our duty to make sure he’s never allowed to set foot in a liberated Syria We’re letting you know this because it’s our duty to make sure that he is taken to court, tried, and then punished appropriately once Syria is liberated.
