Aliens: Colonial Marines Arises from The Grave (Interview) - PAX Prime 2012

  • 12 years ago
Aliens: Colonial Marines has had a rough past with numerous cancellations and delays, but thanks to the collaborative efforts of Sega and Gearbox Software, the project many gamers have anticipated is finally nearing its release. As a true sequel to James Cameron's film, Aliens: Colonial Marines takes place after the events of the third film, Alien 3. With much of the story written by Battlestar Galactica writers David Weddle and Bradley Thompson, gamers will play through the eyes of Corporal Christopher Winter, a Colonial Marine who is sent to investigate the U.S.S. Sulaco in search of Corporal Dwayne Hicks, Ellen Ripley, and the rest of the missing marines who were dispatched to LV-426.

During our PAX Prime 2012 journey, our appointment with Sega granted us time to speak with Senior Producer of Aliens: Colonial Marines, Brian Burleson. Watch as Raychul asks Brian about the heavily featured multiplayer and what gamers should expect within the story of the 2013 release.