91-Year-Old Foils Theft

  • 12 years ago
91-Year-Old Foils Burglary - as part of the news series by GeoBeats.

Elderly folks are unfortunately the target of many scammers and criminals, as there is a general belief that they will be weaker than the younger population. However, recent news stories prove otherwise. Over the past weekend, a 91-year-old woman from Sweden foiled a wannabe thief’s plot to steal her jewelry. The scheming man showed up at the woman’s door on Sunday, asking for a bucket of water. While the woman’s companion went searching for a container, the aspiring crook began admiring the elderly homeowner’s rings, trying to pry them off her fingers. The quick-thinking lady pulled back her hand, simply replying “like hell you will” and the con man abruptly took off.

In another incident in Massachusetts, 80-year-old, Otilia Martins showed a lot of courage when two robbers entered a shop. Two thieves demanded money from a store clerk and when one man pointed a revolver, Martins decided to throw fruit at the men. The woman tossed several mangoes and a bag of apples at the gunman. The crooks were soon apprehended and Martins is perfectly fine.


