• 13 years ago
The Omni Timer indicator is actually 5 indicators bundled together...we combined all the Timer/Counters into one indicator!

1. Tick Bar Counter With Alerts
2. Time Bar Counter With Alerts
3. Range Bar Counter With Alerts
4. Volume Bar Counter With Alerts
5. Renko Bar Counter With Alerts

The LogiCounter provides a visual indication of the count down, count up, and relative time based on follow (depending on the bar type its applied to).

- Time Based (Minute, Hour, etc).

o When in Count Down mode, will count down the time remaining to complete the bar. The needle in the gauge shows the timed percent remaining.
o When in Count Up mode, will count up the current time of the bar. The needle in the gauge shows the timed percent to completion.
o Relative To Average Time -- N/A

Learn More Here: http://pwc2.com/omni-timer


