
  • 12 years ago

I just wanted to thank cell tracker company. My son's friends told me the local drug dealer in the area have been trying to talk to my son. I found cell tracker software at the website {Google search "cell tracker"}. What was great about cell tracker is with cell tracker I didn't have to install the spy program directly to his cell phone. Cell tracker installed to my cell phone. The feature I used and liked the most was this feature called live call monitoring. With this feature I'm sent a text message every single time I son makes or receives a phone call. I can then call his cell phone number using a special cell tracker sequence and instead of my sons phone ringing I just instantly get patched into the phone conversation and can hear everything said. Thank God I found out that my son was in fact not doing drugs.If you have a son or a daughter and you're leery about who they may be talking with I recommend checking out the cell phone tracking service.
