Keiko's Journey Home (lower quality)

  • 17 years ago
In memory of Keiko
(the orca from FREE WILLY movies)
Keiko was Born 1977/78 - Died Dec 12, 2003

This video is about Keiko's Journey home to freedom.

I was lucky to go and see Keiko (the orca from the Free Willy movies) when he first arrived
to the Oregon Coast Aquarium, Newport, Oregon in 1996. He was absolutely amazing, and loved people very much.

Keiko's name means "Lucky One" in Japanese
Keiko was born 1977/78 in the Atlantic Ocean, near Iceland
In 1979, Keiko was captured, separated from his family, and performed for most of his life thereafter.

Kieko was finally set free in July 2002 in Iceland but made his way to Norway.

Read this story dated Sept 5, 2002 called:
'Free Willy' Whale Doesn't Want Freedom

Keiko died in the Norwegion Coastal waters from pneumonia Dec 12th, 2003 and was given a private ceremony burial on land.

At least Keiko died in Freedom

Keiko's Timeline/ photos and other information found here:

**NOTE** Please see links below for a bit better quality of this video

Watch Part One of the video here:

Watch Part Two of the video here:
